Pop's is Proud to Announce 100% Made in USA Initiative
We’re so thrilled to share the news of 100% Made in the USA! This has been a special aspiration in our hearts since the height of the pandemic. Like much of America’s small business in 2020, Pop’s experienced factory shutdowns resulting in supply chain shortages. The shortcomings experienced from our overseas suppliers fostered a spirit of “Adapt and Overcome.” We learned to accept the things we couldn’t control, while resolving to positively influence everything we could control. It was the summer of 2020, and the seed for 100% Made in the USA was planted.
Initially, we reached out to hundreds of domestic manufacturers that claimed it was impossible to manufacture every component of our hummingbird swings in the USA while offering a reasonable price point to the consumer. Our resolve and commitment to change this mindset only enhanced our strength to push forward, and anything less was unacceptable. During these last 3 years, we researched, refined and improved every detail and aspect of American Ingenuity and are proud to present our 100% Made in the USA Hummingbird Swings.
We’ve updated all our traditional designs through a USA lens with American Materials & Components on American Machinery in American Factories with American Workers. The swings have newly pronounced hang ports with sleek and modern updated designs. The three-dimensional charms have been completely reimagined with intricate detail on both sides and a variety of styles and finishes. Our Patent-Pending Polyperch was specially designed to give hummingbirds the most comfortable perch to rest while mimicking the look, shape and feel of what they seek in nature.
Our 100% Made in the USA swings are just the beginning. Later this year, we will offer new proprietary feeders, wildflower seed and much more to create a Perfect Little Sanctuary for your hummingbirds — all 100% Made in the USA! We’re excited to take you on the journey of inviting more Wonder in your world with Pop’s Birding.